25 February 2010

Reflections from February in Ensenada

This year has ushered in a season in the ministry that can be likened to tending a field. For many years we have planted seeds, watered, waited and watched expectantly and joyfully. But lately as we observe the soil we are seeing sprouts and plants springing up everywhere! Here is a quick look:

For several months we have been collaborating with friends from another ministry to organize and host monthly breakfast gatherings for local leaders. The purpose is to provide a setting to build relationships, introduce the person of Jesus, promote love for our neighbor and unite in a spirit of prayer for and service to the community. David and I have been praying for the vision of a city wide prayer breakfast for over 15 years. Now we are working with others who share our passion. There are buds on the branches of that dream! Please pray for the next one on April 8.

Likewise, each Friday a small group from our Reflejo community has been uniting in prayer for our city, for the needs we encounter and the channels through which we desire to see God meet those needs. This has become a way to support one another both in the challenges of our daily lives and our respective areas of service. Each one plants, we all water, and God gives the growth.

One example is a couple that went with us to Mt. Hermon for the first time this past December and returned home inspired to respond to the need they observed among the homeless. This month they began an outreach each Wednesday afternoon that provides a hot meal for approximately 80 men and women. Leaders impacted by Jesus serving among “the least of these”—fruit that fulfills one aspect of the vision we shared when we began investing in leaders almost 20 years ago.

Another was our fourth Ensenada women’s retreat where twenty four women attended, nine for the first time. We studied the book The Battlefield of the Mind and the impact in the women’s lives was astounding. We were privileged to see God’s spirit work in their hearts and lives before our eyes! Growth, change, fruit!

At the end of last year we felt that maybe our time for having a home church had reached its conclusion. However, God has brought three new families in the last couple of months—and for one of the families it is their first church experience. How exciting to see them learn, discover and grow!

Now spring is in the air. We expect there is a lot more to come!!

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