02 August 2010

Sister Love

At the Benning Music Academy first anniversary concert after each student played their piece the Director handed them a white rose that he took from a huge bouquet at center stage. As our youngest daughter watched each participant receive their flower, a plan formed in her heart. When her sister's turn approached she asked us if she could be the one to give her the rose.

So timing it just perfectly, as the applause erupted with the last sweep of the bow, our little girl left her seat and arrived just as the Director took the rose from the bunch. Seeing her outstretched hands, Tito passed her the rose and with a hug of affection and admiration she presented it to her big sister.

I will be forever grateful for the expertise of the photographer who captured this moment in time. My grandmother never experienced it, my mother never had it, and neither did I. But my daughters have this gift--it's "Sister Love."

01 August 2010

First Anniversary of Academia de Violin

Our daughter had worked for months on her Concierto piece, preparing for this evening...her first formal recital. She played beautifully, accompanied by an excellent pianist on an elegant Steinway in the hall of the Ensenada Art Center. She was one of 24 students selected from the music school where she studies violin to play for this First Anniversary concert.

The Director of this school is a personal friend of ours whom we have known since he began playing the violin 13 years ago. Last November his father died after suffering with cancer. Our friend dedicated the concert last night to the memory of his father and gave each of us a CD as we left where his father shares about his faith in Jesus.

We are so grateful that our daughter has the privilege and opportunity to study at Academia Benning and we congratulate her and all the talented musicians who played last night.